5 Simple Techniques to Create Compelling Social Media Content (Even If You're Not a Fan!)

5 Simple Techniques to Create Compelling Social Media Content (Even If You're Not a Fan!)

Hint: Save this post for later on Pinterest! 👆🏼

It’s time for me to come clean…I despise social media.

There, I said it. No taksie-backsies.

Trust me, I understand that social media marketing is widely recognized as the most popular and effective way to promote your business. However, it’s just not for everyone.

If you’re one of those people who feel the way that I feel, but don’t want to give up the ‘gram completely, then this post is for you.

Have you ever wondered how some small business owners can consistently produce quality content without fail? Do they have superpowers…or do they just not have any other responsibilities? In reality, these entrepreneurs simply have a well-organized plan in place that allows them to create content efficiently. Ready to develop a plan of your own?

Here are five easy ways to produce a wealth of social media content that your followers will love:

1. Ask your audience for feedback on topics that pique their interest.

Asking for feedback from your audience is an excellent way to gauge their interests and get a better understanding of what they would like to see from you. By doing this, you can create content that resonates with your audience and keeps them engaged. When asking for feedback, be sure to provide a variety of options that cover a range of topics. This way, you can get a better understanding of what your audience is interested in and what they would like to learn more about. Additionally, make sure to take the feedback you receive into consideration and use it to improve your content. Remember, your audience is the reason you create content, so their feedback is invaluable in helping you create content that truly resonates with them.

2. Let your search engine do the heavy lifting for you.

In today's digital age, we have access to a vast amount of information at our fingertips. However, sifting through this information can be a daunting task. This is where search engines come in handy. By simply typing in a few keywords, (i.e. hot topics in real estate) you can let your search engine do all the work by bringing up relevant information from across the internet. Take those top five results and run with them!

3. Utilize a headline generator to inspire your imagination.

Headline generators can be really fun (and kind of addicting!) tool for content creators and writers looking to come up with catchy and engaging titles. These tools can help inspire your creativity and give you fresh ideas that you may not have thought of otherwise. Headline generators allow you to enter a few keywords related to your topic and generate a list of catchy headlines. As fun as this is, it’s important to remember that the headline is just the beginning - the content itself needs to be high-quality and valuable to your readers.

headline generator example

4. Check out trending books in your niche and use the table of contents to generate fresh ideas.

As a book lover, this is my favorite way to come up with content ideas. By looking at the table of contents in a book in your niche that is currently trending, you can gain insight into the issues that are important to your audience. Furthermore, examining the table of contents of a book can also help you identify gaps in the market. If you notice that a particular topic is missing or underrepresented, you can use this as an opportunity to create content that fills that gap. By doing so, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field and attract a loyal following of readers who appreciate your unique perspective.

5. Develop content pillars to maintain a consistent theme throughout your content.

Content pillars are essential for businesses and individuals who want to maintain a strong and consistent brand message. These pillars serve as the foundation for all content creation and ensure that the messaging is aligned with the overall brand strategy. By developing content pillars, you can create a roadmap for your content that helps you stay on track and maintain a consistent theme throughout all your content.

To develop content pillars, start by identifying the key themes that are important to your brand. These themes should be broad enough to encompass all the different topics you plan to cover (in blogging, these would be your categories). Once you have identified your themes, break them down into more specific subtopics that you can create content around (in blogging, these would be your tags). These subtopics should be relevant to your audience and align with your brand messaging.

When creating content, make sure to reference your content pillars to ensure that your messaging is consistent with your brand strategy. By doing so, you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry and build trust with your audience.

Important Factors to consider

It’s important to remember the quality over quantity rule when it comes to content. Take the time to create visually appealing graphics or videos that will catch your followers' attention. Use humor and storytelling to make your content relatable and memorable. Don't be afraid to experiment with different formats, such as infographics or live videos. And most importantly, be authentic and true to your brand's mission and values. By following these guidelines and incorporating the tips above, you'll be well on your way to creating engaging social media content that your followers will be excited to engage with.

By implementing these strategies and being intentional with your social media content, you can create a strong online presence and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

Have fun creating amazing content!

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Kelsey Lenzmeier

Brand & Web Design for Gifted Women.


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