Create a Killer Testimonial Template to Grow Your Business: Three vital questions

Create a Killer Testimonial Template to Grow Your Business

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Word of mouth marketing is one of the most powerful and overlooked tools for growing your business. When your customers rave about your amazing product or service, it makes others want to check you out too - and what better way to show off your awesomeness than with strategically planned testimonials?

A good testimonial template can take your game to the next level, giving you consistent, high-quality testimonials that scream, “You simply HAVE to work with this business!"

So, what makes a good testimonial template? There are three specific questions that encourage customers to speak to key aspects of their experience.

  1. What was life like before using your product or service?

    Start by asking your customers to describe the problem or situation they had before finding you. By highlighting the specific issues your customers were facing before using your product or service, you can demonstrate the relevance of your solution and how it can make a difference in their lives.

  2. How did your product or service solve a problem for them?

    Then ask them to get specific about how your product or service helped them solve that problem. Providing details about how your product or service helped them solve the problem will create a sense of urgency and establish credibility for your business.

  3. How has their life improved now that this problem is solved?

    Finally, have them outline the results they achieved using your product or service, and if possible, include any metrics that improved. It's like adding a mic drop to your amazing performance!

When crafting your questions, keep it open-ended so your customers can share their stories in their own words. And don't forget to tell them thank you for their feedback! Gratitude goes a long way in building strong relationships with your customers.

So, why go to all this trouble? Because a killer testimonial template can make your testimonials easy to read, understand, and share. Plus, it can help you build trust and credibility with potential customers, show off the best aspects of your business, and give you valuable feedback to improve your product or service. In other words, it's like the magic wand that takes your business from good to great!

Now go out there and get those testimonials!

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Kelsey Lenzmeier

Brand & Web Design for Gifted Women.

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