The Four10 design Blog

Build your brand, perfect your Squarespace website and take your online business to the next level.

Entrepreneurship, Business Tools Kelsey Lenzmeier Entrepreneurship, Business Tools Kelsey Lenzmeier

Discovering the Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values behind Your Business: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

“Let there be light.” One of the most simple, yet encouraging verses of the Bible. There are so many times in our lives when we feel like we’re surrounded in darkness, and are desperately searching for some light. Just a spark will do! Have you ever felt that way when it comes to starting your business? You turn to a search engine for help, or maybe a social media influencer who claims that you’ll be making six figures in no time. There are so many “shiny objects” out there that make unrealistic promises about how simple it’s going to be for us to not only start a business, but also to jump from zero to 100k in the snap of a finger. Friend, I’m here to tell you to stop chasing those shiny objects, and start trusting the source. The God who said the words, “Let there be light,” …and then there was actual light.

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Entrepreneurship Kelsey Lenzmeier Entrepreneurship Kelsey Lenzmeier

My Journey From the Operating Room to Yoga to Brand & Website Design

When you make the decision to let go of the way that the world says is “the right way” to start (and run) your business, and to start listening to the way that your creator tells you to run your business, this is the moment when you step into the light. This is when you’ll receive true clarity about your business. You’ll know with 100% certainty that you’re doing exactly what you were created to do.

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